Mein Reisetagebuch

18 March 2006

Farewell Wollongong

To all my friends in Wollongong,

today it's time to say goodbye... actually I don't like to say goodbye, so it's more that I want to say "farewell and see ya" to:

Shihab, Humaira, Toushi and Tausseef, thanks for being the best buddys, party fellows and the funniest Bangladeshians I ever met, actually you were the first ones but anyways, you guys made me feel so comfortable, especially when I moved to your place. Shihab, I really hope you don't get chickenpocks as well..
Humaira, thank you for being the best bead business partner ever, I really like your style and we should definately open an online beads shop.. I hope you get rid of your chickenpocks soon..
Tausseef, I copied your Guns N Roses DVD... think of me when you get the next "Toss" at Northgong Pub. Get a webcam, I'll really miss you guys. I hope I can visit you in Bangladesh in January.. we will see.
Toushi, I promise you the time in Wollongong will be the best time ever.. have fun!!

Julien and Martine, the nicest French roomates I ever had. I liked our Sex and the City sessions Julien and that you only had "Homebrand stuff" in your cupboard. Martine, I wish you all the best for your further travels. I'll definately meet you in Paris soon. Or.. what was the plan for the worldcup?

Katha, I always felt like you are around me, even though we were thousands of kilometres away from each other. The best thing was when you called me from Alice Springs- for free!! So, let's say thank you to Optus for giving us a good chat every now and then. I'm looking forward for our reunion in Flensburg. I'll see ya soon.

Evelina (Heidi or Mum), you are the real goon queen!! I' ll never forget our "finger away from the alcohol" nights, our coffee discussions about juicy secrets and our "hanging out together every day" thing! Actually, I can say I lived half at your place and half at the Bangladeshians place.
"Sip the goon! Something that bad has to be sipped!!"

"The Germans": Hey! No worries.. we'll meet for our reunion party in Mai. What is distance now?

Oguz, the nicest turkish guy I ever met.. thanks for taking care of me all the time.

Nam, thanks for lending me your mobile and for coming to my farewell BBQ. I really appreciated that since we were not that much in contact. I'll come and say hi when you meet Inga and Thede!

Nat, now I can point it out: In the beginning you were my hero since you really tried hard to make sure that I can understand you. That meant a lot to me.. I'm also proud that I was your German teacher, I think you are doing very well.. (Kann ich ein Kartoffel haben, bitte?!)

"The Sweds": Enjoy your trip to Queensland, I really hope you do not "hump" the bananas!! Go for magoes, it's easier. Jacob, I liked to call you Sven just because everybody did it.

Farewell to all you guys and all the other international people I met. I'll never forget this gorgeous time in Wollongong



Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey Inga,

Mit deiner Abreise wird mir grad mal wieder klar wie krass schnell die Zeit vergeht; Wollongong hat mal wieder ein Gesicht das einfach dazugehoert weniger! War mir eigentlich sicher, ich seh dich nochmal im Northgong, jetzt kann ich dir nur noch guten flug wuenschen!
Hier in Westaustralien wirds auch schon kaelter und ich merke, ich muss heim in den Bayerischen Fruehling... bis denn dann,

viele Gruesse von der Julia

ps.don't forget your stuetzstruempfe fuer den Flug!

10:59 PM

Blogger Inga said...

Hallo Julia,

schoen nochmal von Dir zu hoeren..
nun hab ich ja auch endlich Deine E Mail Adresse!

Ganz viel Spass noch in West Australien. Geniess Deine letzten Wochen, bevor das Studium in Deutschland weitergeht..

Liebe Gruesse nach Bayern!

I'm off

11:07 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Inga,
wir sind froh das alles so gut geklappt hat, und das Du gesund und munter bei uns angekommen bist.
War schon toll, Dich nach langen 8 Monaten in Hamburg abzuholen. Schön, das auch der ganze Schnadderklub nach Hamburg zur Begrüßung gekommen war.
Wir werden diesen schönen Abend nie vergessen. Kuß , Papa und Mama

10:51 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

whats up girl. I don't remember the last time someone called the best for something. Thanks for that I feel much more confident now. I know it is hard to leave especially the first days. But I promess, meeting your old friends is great too. Of course It is sometimes hard when you have no answers from those bangladis. By the way, Shihab, if you read this, write me, call me but fuckin' do something he!
France is now 29 euros away from berlin so we will find the time to see each other. I have a great plan for our reunion. Lets meet in Prague where my mother is now living and could offer us free accomodation. Anyway, sorry for not writting you a lot or at all :-), but that doe not mean that you are away from my heart.



2:48 AM


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